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.Eco domain registration open to Trademark holders until 2 April 2017


Priority registration is open for .eco web addresses

Vancouver, BC, 2 March 2017 – .eco, a new ending for the web addresses of those committed to positive change for the planet, has opened a priority registration period for trademark holders who have registered trademarks. Priority registrations for trademark holders will close on 2 April 2017 at 15:59 UTC.

Like all new domain name endings, .eco offers a “sunrise period” or special window for trademark holders registered with the Trademark Clearinghouse to reserve their marks prior to general availability.

“Before the public launch of .eco on 25 April, we’re inviting trademark holders to secure their .eco domain names through priority registration for their trademarks,” said Trevor Bowden, co-founder of .eco.

Most trademark holders work with a third-party for their domain name services. They are advised to contact their legal department or intellectual property counsel to register a .eco domain. The following domain name retailers are currently offering .eco sunrise services: https://www.home.eco/registrars/partners/

The .eco domain is available to companies, governments, non-profits and individuals committed to positive change for the planet. The new domain name ending is a trusted symbol for those working toward a sustainable future.

“We are thrilled to be part of .eco,” said Sid Das, Digital Director at WWF International, a .eco supporter. “It’s great to see this domain will be maintained by a community that is passionate about the environment.”

For more information about the Trademark Clearinghouse, visit their website.

After trademark priority registration ends on 2 April 2017, .eco will open a seven-day early access program beginning 18 April, followed by general availability on 25 April, 2017.
About .eco

.eco is a new web address ending—known as a top-level domain—for those committed to positive change for the planet. .eco web addresses are available to any business, government, non-profit or individual working toward a sustainable future. The .eco domain is backed by more than 50 environmental organizations including Conservation International, United Nations Global Compact, NRDC and World Business Council for Sustainable Development and is a trusted symbol for the environmental community. Learn more at www.home.eco.



James Barnley

I’m the editor of the DomainingAfrica. I write about internet and social media, focusing mainly on Domains. As a subscriber to my newsletter, you’ll get a lot of information on Domain Issues, ICANN, new gtld’s, Mobile technology and social media.