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Ukrainian IGF discusses Cyrillic domains issues


The Fourth Ukrainian IGF took place on October, 3, 2013. During the course of the Forum Ukrainian and international experts discussed issues of Internet infrastructure development, network safety, international tendencies in informational community development.

One of the Forum’s meetings was devoted to the issue of cyrillic top-level domains. In August, 2013,domain names registration in the .УКР domain started and the issue of new cyrillic national domain development is one of the most burning one among Ukrainian colleagues. The experience in launching and first working years of .РФ domain was shared by CEO of Coordination Center Andrey Kolesnikov. He also spoke about problems which all non-latin registries face. He reminded the Forum’s participants that IDN-domains had already become a part of international domain space and the nearest future around 100 of such domains will appear.

A lot of attention in his speech Andrey Kolesnikov devoted to the current work of Coordination Center on support of IDN-domains and launching e-mail in these domains. Hу emphasized that the process concerns not only .РФ domain, the support is necessary for all non-latin domains and a lot of large Internet-companies realise that and make steps forward. Thus, Apple company after Coordination Center’s request, added buttons with new domains including .RU and .РФ to its devices keyboard.

At the end of the meeting, answering on the Forum’s participants questions, Coordination Center director gave several practical pieces of advice to his Ukrainian colleagues on .УКР domain launching, remembering the .РФ experience, both positive and negative. “The most important thing is not to be afraid of stopping the process if anything goes wrong. It’s better to stop in time and think than have irreversible consequences”, – concluded Andrey Kolesnikov. more


James Barnley

I’m the editor of the DomainingAfrica. I write about internet and social media, focusing mainly on Domains. As a subscriber to my newsletter, you’ll get a lot of information on Domain Issues, ICANN, new gtld’s, Mobile technology and social media.