“Inspired to set up DotConnectAfrica, as its name aimes, to Connect Africa through a Single Pan-African domain name“ The CIO East Africa, an influential IT, Business and Leadership News Magazine talked to Sophia Bekele about her journey, taking stock of a decade of professional activities and achievements to date, in the ICT and DNS Industry, …
Sophia Bekele the Founder of DCA Trust has joined other voices to advance her long held advice that IANA transition should not be privatized to the interest of the very few. Writing yesterday on The Hill, Bekele says: What I do not agree is when public policy positions are manipulated to serve the few. I …
“…if the ICANN Board accepts its responsibility in this matter, then it can rightfully provide the type of adequate redress that DCA Trust believes it is entitled, to as the prevailing party in the IRP. We believe that the ICANN Board can act without involving the ICANN GAC in this process.” In a strongly worded …
The applicant for .Africa new gTLD , DCA Trust, has opposed the latest effort by the ICANN board to revert the .Africa application for a Governmental Committee (GAC) at ICANN to “refining” its last advise GAC gave to the ICANN Board. This comes after the DCA Trust won an Independent Review Panel decision against ICANN …
IANA transition despite jumping many hurdles may not be happening in the next few years, at least not before, thanks to the issue getting the attention of the U.S. Congress. In an article on the Hill, Sophia Bekele also adds that should the transition happen, it will give some governments who want more power within …
DotConnectAfrica has emerged as the prevailing party in a .africa case involving ICANN and has been running for two years. The case commenced officially in October 2013 when DCA Trust sent its first Notice of IRP to ICANN as a process towards resolving of the dispute between ICANN and DCA Trust over ICANN discriminatory Board …
The .Africa IRP has finally been ruled in favour of DotConnectAfrica Trust as the prevailing partly in case that has dragged for two years. The panel that comprised of Mr. Babak Barin who was President of Panel, Professor (Dr.) Catherine Kessedjian, and the Honourable Judge William J. Cahill, a retired San Francisco Superior Court Judge …
ICANN wants the .africa Tribunal to Accept Witness Statement on Face value! A new update has emerged from the ICDR-led Independent Review Process (IRP) International Tribunal that is tasked with deciding the legal dispute between DotConnectAfrica Trust and ICANN over the .Africa new gTLD name string. Tribunal’s clarification to key procedural matters on the IRP hearing …
As published on CircleID Only proper regulation by an independent agency with full Congressional mandate will ensure that a ‘FIFA-Mafia type’ organization of systematic corruption does not emerge. ICANN should not be trusted by Congress to regulate itself. Introduction – The cure is closer, and not arms-length, Internet supervision The recent hearing conducted by the …
The DCA Vs ICANN IRP has taken a new turn. According to the newly published documents that include Ms. Sophia Bekele’s expert testimony and the Second Memorial on the Merits by DCA’s legal representatives, new explosive details have been brought to the fore on how the .Africa new gTLD application was processed. Bekele has detailed …