EU approves controversial copyright law that ‘could kill off the web’s user-generated content’

The European Parliament has approved a controversial copyright law that threatens to ‘destroy the internet as we know it’, according to digital rights groups. Yesterday, in a vote that split almost every major EU party, Members of the European Parliament adopted every terrible proposal in the new Copyright Directive and rejected every good one, setting the …

EFF has warned domain registrants against unfair policies set by new TLD registries

In a white paper released on Thursday, EFF has warned domain registrants against unfair policies set by new TLD registries and offers ways to minimize exposure to trademark bullying. The white paper titled, “Which Internet registries offer the best protection for domain owners?” also touches on how some domain name registries and registrars do a …

Over 190 Members of Internet community file comments against the FCC, Net Neutrality Roll back

A group of over 190 Internet engineers, pioneers, and technologists filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission explaining that the FCC’s plan to roll back net neutrality protections is based on a fundamentally flawed and outdated understanding of how the Internet works. Signers include current and former members of the Internet Engineering Task Force and …