Google Play Music is retiring, enter YouTube Music. Google is officially retiring Play Music in favor of YouTube Music at the end of this year. While we’ve known for a while that the shutdown was coming, this is the first time we’ve had a concrete timeline on its imminent demise. By the end of the …
The mobile web is arguably in decline: users are spending more time on mobile devices, and more time in apps instead of web browsers. Apple has joined the app side of this battle (e.g. allowing ad blockers in Safari, encouraging app install smart banners above websites). Facebook has also taken the app side (e.g. encouraging …
This gadget or app will succeed and this or that trend will become popular. However, isolated tech trend spotting somehow fails to capture a bigger picture. What follows is a fictional attempt to imagine some of the changes that will happen over the next five years and how these will inter-relate with technology. read more
The biggest enemy for domain investors is not the value of domains. It is not seeing and not understanding what is happening around us. The oxygen is in jeopardy of being sucked out if you are now keenly aware of what is taking place. Read More