home gTLD's, ICANN ICANN 46 slated for 7-11 April 2013 in the Beijing, People’s Republic of China

ICANN 46 slated for 7-11 April 2013 in the Beijing, People’s Republic of China


ICANN 46th meeting will be held in Beijing, People’s Republic of China . China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the state network information center of China, was founded as a non-profit organization on Jun. 3rd 1997.  China Organizational Name Administration Center(CONAC) is a non-profit organization established in March 2008. It is affiliated to E-government Center of China State Commission Office for Public Sector Reform (SCOPSR). Internet Society of China (ISC) was inaugurated on 25th May, 2001. As an industrial non-profit organization, the main mission of ISC is to promote development of Internet and make efforts on constructing an advanced information society in China. Read more


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