“Attempts to impose rules on the Internet are doomed to fail” says ICANN CEO

ICANN CEO Fadi Chehade  has told Bloomberg yesterday in an interview that government attempts to impose rules on the Internet are doomed to fail Read the coverage below Nov. 18 (Bloomberg) — ICANN, the gatekeeper for Web addresses, said government attempts to impose rules on the Internet are doomed to fail as the group seeks …

Exclusive interview: ICANN GAC Chair Change

In October 2014, the Chair of ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC), Heather Dryden of Canada, stood down after four years at the helm.  She and incoming ICANN GAC Chair Thomas Schneider of Switzerland discuss the role, the past and the future, and governments’ role within ICANN. Thomas Schneider, incoming ICANN GAC Chair What are you most looking …

Liberalising Internet Governance: ICANN and the role of governments

“ICANN’s mission is stewardship and operational stability, not the defence of its existence or the preservation of the status quo.” Stuart Lynn, ICANN President, Feb 2002 There has been much debate this month among internet circles about the future of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN). Much of this was discussed at …

GAC Communiqué: Wants To Look At “Public Policy Implications of Holding Auctions to Resolve String Contention”

The Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) just issued its Buenos Aires Communiqué from the ICANN Meeting and “requests a briefing on the public policy implications of holding auctions to resolve string contention (including community applications)”. The GAC considers that new gTLD registry operators should be made …

Scam as ICANN Sponsors Members of Government (GAC)

Includes the African Batch! On 22 August 2013, the ICANN Board approved the FY14 Operating Plan and Budget.  The document describes the planned core operations and project activities, aligned with the required funding, for the 2014 fiscal year.  These funded project activities are based on ICANN’s strategic priorities as documented in the adopted three year …

Applicant for .Realtors asks ICANN to unfreeze .Realtors as a Brand App and Should be Outside Of GAC Advice

In a letter sent to the Chair of the new gTLD Program Committee (NGPC) The National Association Of Realtors  has asked ICANN to unfreeze its application. The letter also reminded ICANN that its application for the new gTLD .Realtors is a brand application, not a generic application and should be freed from GAC Advice.Oh by …