NSA, GCHQ reportedly reverse engineered anti-virus security companies since 2008

Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor and whistleblower, has leaked documents that claim the US National Security Agency (NSA) and UK Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) have actively reverse engineered security and anti-virus software to obtain intelligence, according to a report by The Intercept. The documents obtained reportedly highlight the Russian software security firm, Kaspersky Lab, …

Whois : Domain Name Privacy May Soon Become History

If you’ve registered any Web domains for your small business, there’s a potential privacy policy change of which you should be aware. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) is considering changing a policy involving WHOIS, a database of personal information for those who register domain names. Currently, domain owners can choose to use …

Russia Disputed Against Removal of Crimean Domains in ICANN

Singapore, February 11, 2015. — Julia Elanskaya, Deputy Director of Department on International Collaboration of Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, made an official statement on 52nd meeting of Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), opened at the beginning of the week in Singapore. She paid attention to recent decision of American registrar, …

ITU Plenipot14 begins in Busan with a potentially troubling ministerial statement

The ITU has kicked off three weeks of wrangling over the future of the Internet – the 2014 Plenipotentiary – with a ministerial statement that’s likely to spark concerns about the direction of the coming summit. The Busan Declaration, issued at the close of the Busan ICT ministerial meeting, is filled with high-minded language about …

Chairman of ICANN Africa Strategy caught heckling DotConnectAfrica to withdraw its bid

. When I first read DomainIncite’s blog titled .africa applicant caught using fake identity which some list members were referring to event as  a high class gossip, I got curious to click on the links his blog cited, and was unbelievably surprised to read one of the the most active assault and hackling on DCA and its Principal was coming from Nii Quaynor. …