home Governance, ICANN, Internet ICANN to listen, understand Chinese needs

ICANN to listen, understand Chinese needs

The head of the non-profit organization that manages the infrastructure of the Internet is committed to listening to and understand the needs of China’s government and people.

“The success of many services on the Internet from China such as the successful IPO of Alibaba accentuates the importance of China being a part in the global Internet ecosystem,” said Fadi Chehade, President and CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) at the World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, a watertown in east China’s Zhejiang Province.

“This conference proves that China is entering the world stage as an equal player to have an equal voice as everyone else to participate in governing one Internet for the world,” he said.

In 2013, ICANN opened its first global engagement center in Beijing and launched Chinese character options for top-level domains, part of its efforts to meet the needs of China, which now has more than 600 million of Internet users.

Highlighting ICANN’s commitment to Asia-Pacific and China, the CEO said he has been to China this year more than he has been to any other countries except his home. “We are appreciating the values China can bring to ICANN because without China, ICANN is not complete.”

The CEO also hoped Alibaba would play a responsible role in world Internet governance.

“I am very certain that China will have many more Jack Mas that could produce great value, not just for China but also for the world,” said Fadi, adding that in China he had seen an innovative spirit reminiscent of that of Silicon Valley.

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