US Govt. Warns of unacceptable China’s internet rules and aggressive cyber authority

The the US government through the assistant commerce secretary Larry Strickling and state department ambassador Daniel Sepulveda have warned that Chinese government could fragment the internet if it pursues new registration rules for online addresses. The warning is in response to a decision by the Chinese government in late March to require all domain names …

Pending IANA Transition, US CongressMan Rep. Kelly Introduces Defending Internet Freedom Act of 2014

  Summary: The Defending Internet Freedom Act [PDF], put forward by Congressman Mike Kelly (R-PA), would see the creation of a board made up of techies and reps from the domain name world, as well as a new consortium to run the critical IANA body.   Bill would protect Internet from foreign government control WASHINGTON …

“right to be forgotten” demands on Google to affect Wikipedia links

Request for blocking of search results granted to anonymous applicant is first to affect an entry in the online encyclopaedia. Google is set to restrict search terms to a link to a Wikipedia article, in the first request under Europe‘s controversial new “right to be forgotten” legislation to affect the 110m-page encyclopaedia. The identity of …

Senators Seek Hearing On ICANN Hand-off, Say they are concerned about transitioning oversight of domain name functions

Led by Senate Commerce Committee members Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Ted Cruz (R-Texas), nine Republican senators have asked the chairman and ranking member of the committee to hold a hearing on the National Telecommunications and Information Administration’s planned transition of some Internet domain name (ICANN) functions to a multistakeholder model. That came the same day that the …