NGPC recommendations for Name Collision on new gTLDs

Resolved (2013.10.07.NG01), the NGPC directs the President, Generic Domains Division to implement the proposal to manage the occurrence of collisions between new gTLDs and existing private uses of the same strings as presented in the “New gTLD Collision Occurrence Management Plan” attached as Annex 1 [PDF, 840 KB], and in doing so to take into …

ICANN: Potential Name Space Collision Report’s Impact on Contracting

As ICANN previously announced, we commissioned a study to consider the likelihood and impact of name space collisions between applied-for new gTLD strings and non-delegated TLDs. In light of that study, ICANN proposed to the community several possible mitigation measures, including: Proceeding with contracting and delegation of those strings categorized as “low risk” (80%) but …