Group mentality and ICANN GAC Advice: Another case of African misdirected and treacherous destiny

. Is Africa falling to another trap of group mentality and uninformed choices? Traditionally nations and especially when taken as continents have been known to take collective decisions. Just recently in the WCIT Dubai, there was mass failure of the delegates to agree on a treaty that had been crafted to replace the existing International …

Mobile voice calls rise after 2year slump

The number of mobile voice calls and call durations increased for the first time between July and September last year, after nearly two years of consistent decline. Latest data from the Communication Commission of Kenya shows a 10.5 per cent increase in voice traffic amounting to a total of seven billion minutes up from 6.3 …

Dr. Bitange Ndemo the Kenyan ICT Permanent Secretary leads an IT revolution

A recent article I read by LosAngeles times, California USA, celebrated PS Ndemo’s  achievements in Internet Revolution in Africa:  “Since Bitange Ndemo got Kenya hooked up to high-speed Internet, there has been no stopping his cyber-progress. A ‘Silicon Savannah’ is now flourishing” Kenya is known as a powerhouse in Africa for many developments in the agriculture, health, business …