At the 6th anniversary, IPv4 still dominates IPv6

IPv6 is the next generation Internet Protocol (IP) address standard intended to supplement and eventually replace IPv4, the protocol many Internet services still use today. It was launched 6 years ago, on 6 June 2012. The global IPv6 traffic has grown more than 5000% since World IPv6 Launch began, with some networks now reporting 80 or …

IPv6 Deployment Grows by 3000% in 5 Years

IPv6 deployment is increasing around the world, with over 9 million domain names and 23% of all networks advertising IPv6 connectivity. IPv6 deployment of increased  by 3,000% since the beginning of World IPv6 Launch 5 years ago, according to the ISOC State of IPv6 Deployment 2017. shows IPv6 deployment is increasing around the world, with …

Expert warns maintaining IPv4 is going to get expensive

Companies dependent on the Internet for their businesses shouldn’t wait too long to migrate from IPv4 (Internet Protocal version 4) to IPv6. Associate Prof Dr Omar Amer Abouabdalla said at the IPv6 Forum Malaysia that the cost of maintaining an IPv4 system is expected to go up significantly by 2018. “Maintaining the old version is …

You don’t need a whole IPv4 address to yourself, right?

Facing the shortage of IPv4 addresses, and glacial adoption of IPv6, UK ISP PlusNet is looking for volunteers among its customers to test out sharing the IPv4 addresses on its network. The technique being tested by PlusNet uses a NAT (Network Address Translator) to share a single internet-facing IP address between multiple customers, eking out …