Congress still blocking US from releasing control of the internet

Late Tuesday night, after the Republican presidential debate in Las Vegas, Republican leaders in Congress released a $1.15 trillion budget proposal. It’s a massive bill with several huge points of contention, including tax breaks and military spending, but nestled within its 2,009 pages is a small provision that could frustrate attempts to loosen the country’s …

Greg Walden Led #SubCommTech Schedules Hearing to Exercise Oversight of Proposed IANA Transition

“Oversight and transparency are necessary parts of any proposed transition of IANA stewardship to the multi-stakeholder Internet community,” said Walden. “The House has spoken to ensure our oversight occurs before any transition is finalized. We will do our part to ensure this work stays on track and that any transition proposal preserves the open and robust …

Senators Hatch and Blunt call for more awareness on issues of Internet governance

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Sen. Orrin G. Hatch, chairman of the Senate Republican High-Tech Task Force, and Sen. Roy Blunt, member of the Senate Commerce Committee, introduced a resolution Tuesday to increase awareness of the U.S. Department of Commerce’s announced intention to transition its stewardship role over the Internet’s domain name system to the global community. …

ICANN Stakeholders Explore Rep. Kelly’s Defending Internet Freedom Act

Washington Internet Daily – ICANN Stakeholders Deplore Kelly’s Defending Internet Freedom Act The Defending Internet Freedom Act (HR-5737), if passed, would essentially reduce ICANN to a U.S. government-controlled entity, Internet governance experts said in interviews Friday. That would pro­voke international outrage, they said. The bill’s supporters said the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) transition demands …