Six companies that saw their bids for the .hotel domain name die as a result of a Community Priority Evaluation decision in favor of HOTEL Top-Level-Domain S.a.r.l have asked ICANN for information regarding the decision.
The applicants filed a Document Information Disclosure Policy Request (DIDP) with ICANN on August 4. The DIDP requests resumes for people that served on the Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) panel, as well as communications between the panel and ICANN and HOTEL Top-Level-Domain S.a.r.l.
The DIDP was signed by representatives of Donuts, Fairwinds, Fegistry, Famous Four Media, Minds + Machines and Radix.
ICANN has rebuffed the request (pdf), noting that EIU was contracted as a third party and that ICANN doesn’t have information about the specific panelists on the .hotel case. It declined to release other requested information on the grounds that it would violate non-disclosure provisions in the contract between ICANN and EIU Read more from Domainnamewire