home Uncategorized Larry Strickling, Fadi Chehadé, Steve DelBianco and Carolina Rossini to testify in house hearing on ICANN today

Larry Strickling, Fadi Chehadé, Steve DelBianco and Carolina Rossini to testify in house hearing on ICANN today


The  Energy & Commerce Committee of the United States House of Representatives will host a hearing today on the US giving up its oversight control over ICANN. The issues will border on Ensuring the Security, Stability, Resilience, and Freedom of the Global Internet.

The Subcommittee on Communications and Technology has scheduled a hearing on Wednesday, April 2, 2014, at 10:30 a.m. in 2322 Rayburn House Office Building. The title of the hearing is “Ensuring the Security, Stability, Resilience, and Freedom of the Global Internet.” Witnesses will be announced and are by invitation only. The hearing webcast will be available at http://energycommerce.house.gov/

Background Documents and Information:

Panel I

The Honorable Larry Strickling

Mr. Fadi Chehadé

The Honorable David A. Gross

Panel II

Mr. Steve DelBianco

Ms. Carolina Rossini
