home Domainnews, Entrepreneurs ICANN Auction: Amazon .Spot, but it was out shadowed by more expensive auctions .realty and .Salon

ICANN Auction: Amazon .Spot, but it was out shadowed by more expensive auctions .realty and .Salon


DomainNameWire: Amazon.com buys .spot domain name for $2.2 million, .Realty sells for $5.6 million

The latest round of new top level domain name “auctions of last resort” at ICANN took place today.

Three auctions for the rights to run top level domain names closed for prices ranging from $2.2 million to $5.6 million:

Amazon.com won .spot for $2,200,000, beating applicants Google and Dotspot, LLC.

Fegistry won .realty for $5,588,888, beating Donuts. Fegistry is Jay Westerdal’s company. I’m surprised the two companies didn’t settle this privately. Both companies are in Seattle and I saw a photo of Donuts CEO Paul Stahura hanging out at Westerdal’s house this summer. I assume Westerdal was the hold out that didn’t want a private auction since Donuts has participated in many.

Donuts won .Salon for $5,100,575, beating L’Oreal, DaySmart Software (software for spas and salons) and Aesthetics Practitioners Advisory Network (Australian trade group for aesthetic and beauty industry)

In last month’s auction, the top sale was .tech for $6,760,000. Amazon bought .buy in that auction for $4,588,888. Read more


James Barnley

I’m the editor of the DomainingAfrica. I write about internet and social media, focusing mainly on Domains. As a subscriber to my newsletter, you’ll get a lot of information on Domain Issues, ICANN, new gtld’s, Mobile technology and social media.