home social media, Stats, Tech CENTR Domain Report: Over 282.5 Million Domain Registered As Of August 2014

CENTR Domain Report: Over 282.5 Million Domain Registered As Of August 2014

As of August 1, 2014 there are 282,525,140 domain name registered in the world according to the CENTR Report

CENTR is the European ccTLD not for profit association dedicated to supporting the interest of country code TLD managers. The objectives of CENTR are to promote and participate in the development of high standards and best practices among ccTLD Registries. CENTR has 52 Full members and 9 Associate members who all together represent around 80% of the total number of ccTLD domain name registrations worldwide”

As at August 2014 the total number of domains across all Top Level Domains (TLDs) stood at 282.5 million (including new gTLDs). This represents a growth of roughly 1.6% since May 2014 (4.5 million registrations).

ccTLDs grew at the highest rate for the past 3 months at 1.7% – this compares with 0.3% for legacy gTLDs.

The global market share of ccTLDs (as a percentage of all TLD registrations) has been increasing over the past few quarters – it currently stands at 45.8% (see left). As more new gTLDs are introduced, this report will continue to monitor and report on the global domain name market in the new landscape.

The current market share of new gTLDs is around 0.7% however it is growing consistently.

                            Registrations    Change (3m)
ccTLD                   129,388,192       1.7%
ccTLD IDN           1,244,863          2.9%
Legacy  gTLD    148,807,739        0.3%
sTLD                        1,015,102         7.9%  (including .Travel, .XXX other restricted TLD’s)
New gTLD              2,070,244       139.8%
Total                     282,526,140       1.3%


Top 20 ccTLDs by Registrations

Tokelau (.TK)    26 Million

Germany (.DE)   15.7 Million

China (.CN)     10.8 Million

United Kingdom (.UK)   10.5 Million

Netherlands (.NL)     5.5 Million

Russian Federation (.RU)  4.9 Million

European Union (.EU)    3.8 Million

Brazil (.BR)     3.5 Million

Australia (.AU)    2.9 Million

France (.FR)    2.8 Million

Italy (.IT)       2.7 Million

Argentina (.AR)  2.6 Million

Poland (.PL)     2.5 Million

Canada (.CA)   2.3 Million

Switzerland (.CH)  1.9 Million

United States (.US)  1.8 Million

Spain (.ES)   1.7 Million

Colombia (.CO)  1.7 Million

India (.IN)   1.5 Million

Belgium (.BE)   1.5 Million


The top 20 largest ccTLDs represent roughly 82% of all ccTLD registrations globally and 38% of all domain names globally (gTLDs, ccTLDs etc).

The ccTLD for Tokelau (.tk) has the largest zone with 26 million reported domain names. It is important to note that .tk offers mostly free domains on a global level and gets its revenue based on a fundamentally different business model than traditional ccTLDs.

From those found in the top 20 list, the table (left) shows some of the highest growth ccTLDs observed in the past quarter. After .tk, China (.cn) experienced the highest growth with 1.8% for this quarter.

Tokelau (.tk) 8.6%

China (.cn) 1.8%

European Union (.eu) 1.5%

Switzerland (.ch) 1.2%

Brazil (.br) 1.2%


James Barnley

I’m the editor of the DomainingAfrica. I write about internet and social media, focusing mainly on Domains. As a subscriber to my newsletter, you’ll get a lot of information on Domain Issues, ICANN, new gtld’s, Mobile technology and social media.