Greg Walden Led SubCommTech to Vote on DOTCOM Act, a Bipartisan Legislation to Protect the Future of the Internet

Walden, Pallone, Shimkus Comment on Bipartisan Breakthrough “There are no do-overs – the world has one chance to get this right…” Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) WASHINGTON, DC – The House Communications and Technology Subcommittee, chaired by Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), today announced that it will vote Wednesday this week on H.R. 805, the Domain Openness …

Theory Vs Reality, Rep. John Shimkus weighs in on IANA transition: Keeping the Internet Open and Free

By Rep. John Shimkus on Summary: In theory, this transition follows a long-anticipated, congressionally endorsed plan to empower Internet architects and engineers, civil society, and technology industry stakeholders with the authority to maintain the DNS without government intrusion. In reality, the proposed transition creates an opportunity for authoritarian governments to supplant ICANN with the …