Want a domain name that stands out? Good luck. For years, the Internet has been limited to just 22 generic top-level domains like the familiar .com, .net, and .org. Sure, there are other top-level domains, but most are for countries (like .jp for Japan or .ca for Canada). Those general-purpose domains have been very limited. …
NEW YORK, Dec. 4, 2013 — /PRNewswire/ — Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Satellite ultra-broadband in Europe & Africa http://www.reportlinker.com/p01029508/Satellite-ultra-broadband-in-Europe–Africa.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Broadband In this report, IDATE identifies the latest developments and major trends in the broadband and ultra-fast broadband markets. After a detailed analysis of the various terrestrial networks …