A flurry of response exchanges were featured in last week between the Domain on industry columnist Kevin Murphy of DomainIncite and DotConnectAfrica (DCA), one of gTLD applicants for .africa. DCA sent two rejoinders in 24 hours responding to his comments and to provide detailed answers with an aim to clarify what it has termed …
The new ICANN gTLD process has received quite unlikely request from an applicant for .africa string DotConnectAfrica which is headquartered in Mauritius, but has a strong base of representation in Kenya, Addis Ababa, California and the United Kingdom. DotConnectAfrica has applied to set up the registry in the Kenyan capital should ICANN delegate it to …
Africa has grown in very paradoxical ways, while it remains to be the most endowed continent with its vast resources still untapped . The biggest problem that Africa seems to have suffered from is the inferiority complex where defeatism and weakness rather than meekness has eaten it to the core. The fact is …