Russia bans Telegram messaging app after it declined to reveal its encryption key

Russia has banned the Telegram messaging app after it – because the company refuses to reveal its encryption key. A court in Moscow ruled to block the popular app after the firm declined to give state security services access to private conversations. It followed a long-running battle between authorities and Telegram, which has a reputation …

Telegram rebuffs Russian regulators to hand over user data

Telegram rejected demands from Russian regulators to hand over data, The app maker has told the regulator that it is technically unable to hand the encryption keys to user accounts to the country’s secret services. This comes just weeks after the messaging platform was ordered to do so or risk being banned in the country …

Tinder Security Flaws Could Allow Hackers Spy On Your Swipes

The Checkmarx Security Research Team found disturbing vulnerabilities in a highly popular dating application used by people across the globe – Tinder. The report features how a malicious attacker can take advantage of these vulnerabilities to cause serious privacy breaches to an unsuspecting user. Are you a Tinder user? After undergoing the responsible disclosure procedure …

Internet Australia expresses concerns over legislation to access encrypted messages

Internet Australia, the NFP peak body representing Internet users, today expressed concern at the Government’s announcement it intends to bring on legislation compelling social media platforms to help Australian security agencies access encrypted messages. Internet Australia points out we need people to trust the Internet. Users’ personal security and privacy considerations must be our primary …

WEF: Cyber criminals thrive because Africans don’t trust their governments

Lack of trust by African citizens and businesses on their governments creates a big chance for cyber criminals to capitalize on the gap. In the fight for safe internet, the citizens would rather take their chances with the consequences of cybercrime than share personal information with their governments. Analysts at the just concluded World Economic …