Johannesburg – Data loss costs South African businesses over R3bn according to technology storage and hardware solutions firm EMC. Data loss involves computer information being destroyed by the likes of human error, file corruption or theft. And EMC this month has revealed its Data Protection Index which ranks 24 countries on the maturity of their …
If you’ve encountered online scams before, you know that any email that addresses you by name, continues into a form letter and gives you a link to change your password stinks to high heaven. Imagine, then, how surprised customers must have felt to discover that such an email from the domain-name registrar and Web-hosting …
What if the World Wide Web were hit by a cyber-attack so massive as to threaten government infrastructures, banking systems, and email — and nobody noticed? That’s what’s reportedly happening right now. According to BBC News, a feud between a Dutch spam host and a spam filter vendor has spilled over into a series of …