US-Congress receives request from DotConnectAfrica for a new gTLD Ombudsman to investigate and report on the existing illegality and irregularities on .africa

  The new ICANN gTLD process has received quite unlikely request from an applicant for .africa string DotConnectAfrica which is headquartered in Mauritius, but has a strong base of representation in Kenya, Addis Ababa, California and the United Kingdom. DotConnectAfrica has applied to set up the registry in the Kenyan capital should ICANN delegate it to …

Mike Silber and Chris Disspain Fried: Update their conflicts profile after .africa complaint

ICANN directors Mike Silber and Chris Disspain have updated their official statements of interest — used to identify potential conflicts on the board — after a complaint from a .africa applicant. The new SOI statement more clearly specifies the relationship between South African ccTLD policymaker ZADNA — for which Silber acts as treasurer — and …

I Will Win .Africa Because I have friends in High Places: Case of Conflicted Board Members

  When I saw this story headline on DomainNewsAfrica this morning, I was curious to check it out. I recall the spat between DotConnectAfrica(DCA)  and DomainIncite  Kevin  Murphy’s coverage of the story -DotConnectAfrica    disconnected from reality dated July 26, 2012 – “If anyone is going to get the .africa registry contract, it’s the other applicant:  Uniforum, the …