Internet Society CEO Kathy Brown has rebuffed efforts to get her onside a controversial new body that plans to steer the internet. Despite a series of private meetings with the ICANN-backed NetMundial Initiative (NMI), Brown noted in a blog post on Monday: “It is fair to say that issues, including the need for the NMI …
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee –, in a meeting on November 28, 2014, at its headquarters in São Paulo, SP, while fully subscribing to the last Public Note on the NETmundial Initiative prepared by its Working Group on Internet Governance, as available in <>, decided to provide these additional clarifications in view of the …
The controversial NetMundial Initiative (NMI) – an effort by various countries and organizations to steer the internet – may be beyond saving after a second series of rejections. This time it’s been snubbed by the business world and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) today published a damning letter [PDF] …
Two organizations whose voices hold considerable sway on Internet governance issues–which appeared up until just last weekend to be speaking in harmony–now find themselves at odds. The Internet Society has blasted efforts from some quarters to create a “UN Security Council” for the internet – which would rule over the online world. The society (ISoc) …