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Olga Madruga-Forti Resigns from ICANN Board

15 October 2014

Olga Madruga-Forti has announced that she is resigning from the ICANN Board of Directors after serving in that position for two years.

“I have truly enjoyed working with Olga over the years,” said ICANN Board Chair Dr. Stephen D. Crocker. “We wish her the best in her new pursuits.”

Madruga-Forti’s term as an ICANN Director began in October 2012 after she was selected by the Nominating Committee to serve a term that would run through the Annual General Meeting in 2015. As an ICANN Nominating Committee appointee to the ICANN Board her replacement for the remainder of the term will be selected by that committee.

ICANN News Alert https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2014-10-15-en