As the vacationing season is starting researchers from cyyer Security firm Kaspersky Lab warns travelers on need to be vigilant and of their online financial transactions.
According to research from Kaspersky Lab, consumers – including holiday makers and business travelers, conduct a lot of financial operations online when abroad, putting themselves at risk when they are not properly protected.
The research, undertaken for Kaspersky Lab by Toluna research agency, surveyed 11,850 employed individuals who travel abroad for business and leisure, about their attitudes towards using their devices and connecting to the internet whilst abroad. Participants across 23 countries (Europe, Russia, Latin America, Asia Pacific and the US) took part in the research.
Quick to connect, slow to consider: international travelers playing with fire in rush to connect
The urge to connect immediately on touching down abroad means the majority of people are connecting to unsecured Wi-Fi networks and putting their personal data at risk.
The research finds cybercrime is commonplace when abroad, and yet three quarters of people (82%) connect to unsecured, free-at-use public access Wi-Fi networks (such as at airport terminals, hotels, cafes and restaurants).
On leaving the airport, nearly half of us (44%) are already online, with 50% connected by the time we arrive at the hotel. Most (69%) connect in order to let family and loved ones know they have arrived safely, followed by a need to download travel information (39%).
But pressure from work (38%) is also strong, and outruns even the desire to get up to speed on social media (34%). As a trend, it is notable more want to find out what they’ve missed back at home than want to update with news of their own adventures. One in three (34%) state, simply, it is instinctive to go online after touching down.
Taking security for granted
The major concern for employers should be the apparent lack of regard staff have for the pitfalls of data security when outside their home networks. A large proportion of business travelers take for granted that their data is safe. Their instinct to connect comes before their instinct to be secure, even abroad.
A third (35%) of people log in to unsecured, free-at-use Wi-Fi networks in airport terminals, hotels, cafes and restaurants with work devices as a matter of course, rising to 48% and 43% among senior and mid-level executives.
Read more from the report