home ICANN ICANN Publishes Its Financials For The Six Months Ending December 2013

ICANN Publishes Its Financials For The Six Months Ending December 2013


ICANN published its financials last night for six months ending in December 2013.

Here are some of the highlights.  You can see the entire results here
Here they are:
For the Six Months Ending December 2013

The ICANN change in net assets is $3.3M, or 13.6%, higher than budget during the first six months of FY14 mainly as a result of (i) delays in planned operations ($2.8M, see Operating Expenses below), (ii) timing differences of ccTLD contributions ($1.3M), (iii) Reserve Fund and New gTLD investment income of ($3.7M) and ($1.4M), respectively, offset by (iv) delayed evaluation processing in the New gTLD program resulting in lower revenues recognized for the period (-$8.0M).

The Funds under Management by ICANN decreased by $28.2M during the first six months to a total of $331.6M, mainly as a result of the payment of New gTLD evaluation expenses ($16.9M) and general operating expenses for ICANN Ops ($11.3M). Read the rest here
