home Domains Employing Obsequiousness to Blackmail ICANN over .africa gTLD

Employing Obsequiousness to Blackmail ICANN over .africa gTLD


“If ICANN were to delegate the gTLD to DCA despite the AUC’s endorsement of UniForum, it is likely that the AUC would lose faith in ICANN and its structures.”


Such conspiracies that are being contrived and hatched by the opponents of DCA Trust with the active connivance of DomainIncite will fail.


The statement above that is part of Uniforum’s reply to the Independent Objector  is reminiscent of the bureaucracy that is magnificent in the existing structures that have derailed a bottom up process in the ICANN espoused multistakeholder model.


The ICANN process has been increasingly put to test based on the happenings in the new gTLD process. Africa is the continent that applied for the fewest number of gTLD applications, yet its also home to what would probably qualify as the most discussed domain and that is .africa which has been put forward by two furiously competing organizations DotConnectAfrica and the AU sponsored Uniforum. more


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