The Children’s Charities Coalition on Internet Safety (CHIS) has expressed concerns that ICANN (The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), is not keeping the internet safe and secure for children. A new domain, .kids, can be bought by anybody wishing to set up a new website, without any relevant safeguarding checks taking place – …
It is two years since .Sydney was entered into the root an Sydney took its iconic status to the next level with its own Top-Level Domain. And just like its namesake, this truly iconic web address continues to be the envy of cities around the world – boasting more than 10,000 registrations since it launched …
The group of law professors and practitioners with expertise in trademark law. have written to the Co-Chairs of the ICANN GNSO PDP Working Group on ‘Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) in all gTLDs’ to express a shared concern about how rights protection mechanisms at ICANN are developing The group states that there is …
Miami-based dotHealth announced Tuesday it will launch the .health top-level domain, with the goal to be a premier web address for brands, organizations and individuals in the health and wellness industry. dotHealth launched the .co domain in 2010, then one of the few competing against the almighty .com, and sold it four years later. Since …
The .Africa gTLD can be re-delegated to DCA in the event DCA prevails in this litigation, says California Judge ICANN announced last Friday that it is free to proceed with the delegation of .AFRICA domain following a recent Court decision that denied DotConnectAfrica’s (DCA’s) Motion for Preliminary Injunction to stop the delegation of the .AFRICA …
ICANN’s meetings may be affected by the recent controversial U.S. travel ban ordered by President Donald Trump, multiple representatives of the organization have indicated that the U.S. travel ban will cause disruption to its upcoming schedule of meetings. Kaveh Ranjbar is one of ICANN’s board members, and on Monday he missed his flight to Los …
On 1 September 2016, an explosion caused a fire on a cargo ship docked in Hamburg, Germany. ICANN’s Public Meeting technical equipment was on board. The ship had departed Helsinki, Finland after ICANN56, and the equipment was bound for Hyderabad, India via Mumbai. ICANN had two containers – a 40-foot and a 20-foot container. It …
On 1 September 2016, an explosion caused a fire on a cargo ship docked in Hamburg, Germany. ICANN’s Public Meeting technical equipment was on board. The ship had departed Helsinki, Finland after ICANN56, and the equipment was bound for Hyderabad, India via Mumbai. ICANN had two containers – a 40-foot and a 20-foot container. It …
Michael O’Rielly, one of the FCC’sFederal Communications Commissioners has blasted proponents of the IANA oversight transition to a new international community in a speech Tuesday, saying the threat of influence and censorship by oppressive regimes is real. Commissioner O’Rielly, said the Obama administration’s plans presents a real threat to the free flow of information online. …
“At no time until after it had rejected DCA’s application, did ICANN assert that the AUC had properly “withdrawn” its endorsement. – DCA Geographic new gTLDs in the ICANN application round were required to have endorsements of upto 60% from counties in the applying region. Many applications in the new gTLD program were therefore …