The US state of California has passed a law that would be the strictest net neutrality protections in the country, and could serve as a blueprint for other states. Under the law, internet service providers will not be allowed to block or slow specific types of content or applications, or charge apps or companies fees …
Last year’s FCC decision to repeal net neutrality was arguably the most unpopular tech policy decision in the history of the modern internet. The repeal not only resulted in an unprecedented public backlash, but prompted numerous states to immediately begin exploring new state-level alternatives in the wake of the FCC’s retreat. California lawmakers rallied enough …
It’s official. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC)’s repeal of net neutrality rules, which had required internet service providers to offer equal access to all web content, took effect on Monday. The rules which were enacted during the President Barack Obama era in 2015, prohibited internet providers from charging more for certain content or from giving …
Two US senators Jeff Merkley, a Democrat, and Pat Toomey, a Republican, who both had their identities stolen and then used to post fake public comments on net neutrality — are calling on FCC Chairman Ajit Pai to address how as many as 2 million fake comments were filed under stolen names. “We were among those whose …
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed an executive order today vowing to protect and strengthen net neutrality rules, despite the FCC’s recent decision to roll back regulations. Why it matters: New York joins Montana as the only two states to require ISPs to abide by net neutrality rules. But that doesn’t mean the executive orders …
Burger King — a fast-food chain that sells cheap beef — apparently understands net neutrality more than the average member of Congress. The company released an ad today explaining the concept of net neutrality with a stunt that showed what it would be like to have paid prioritization in a burger joint. In the ad, …
The vote to roll back net neutrality rules on Thursday was slammed by tech giants like Amazon, Facebook and Netflix. But the move was applauded by internet service providers. The Republican-led Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to repeal regulations aimed at protecting net neutrality — rules that ensure internet providers can’t deliberately speed up or …
The Federal Communications Commission released a plan on Tuesday to dismantle landmark regulations that ensure equal access to the internet, clearing the way for internet service companies to charge users more to see certain content and to curb access to some websites. According to a new report by NYTimes The proposal, made by the F.C.C. …
A group of over 190 Internet engineers, pioneers, and technologists filed comments with the Federal Communications Commission explaining that the FCC’s plan to roll back net neutrality protections is based on a fundamentally flawed and outdated understanding of how the Internet works. Signers include current and former members of the Internet Engineering Task Force and …
This week and today Wednesday 12 July especially, some of the internet’s most popular websites will look quite different, as they participate in a day of action to oppose changes to US rules which govern net neutrality. Sites such as Netflix and Amazon are joining with civil liberty groups in a co-ordinated protest, and activists …