The U.K. Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has confirmed that it has hit Facebook with a maximum $500,000 ($645,000) fine around the way it mishandled user data following the Cambridge Analytica scandal earlier this year. The introduction of GDPR has given the ICO the power to issue fines of up to £17 million ($22 million) or four …
Facebook is to be fined £500,000, the maximum amount possible, for its involvement in the Cambridge Analytica scandal, the information commissioner has announced. The fine is for two breaches of the Data Protection Act. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) concluded that Facebook failed to safeguard its users’ information and that it failed to be transparent …
The UK’s Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) told the Guardian it has seen a rise in breach notifications from organisations, as well as more data protection complaints following the activation of the law. The bulk of the response to the legislation has been a substantial number of complaints against high-profile companies, such as those against Facebook …