Double hammer blow to ICANN and pals’ internet power grab bid as CGI.Br, ISOC and International Chamber of Commerce want clarifications

The controversial NetMundial Initiative (NMI) – an effort by various countries and organizations to steer the internet – may be beyond saving after a second series of rejections. This time it’s been snubbed by the business world and the Internet Governance Forum (IGF). The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) today published a damning letter [PDF] …

ICANN ICC denies Community Objections to .Islam and .Halal

Two separate ICC panels have denied the objections to the new gTLD’s .Islam and .Halal finding that although there “opposition to Respondent’s application to some extent, but such opposition is not substantial”.Although they were two separate opinions both shares a lot of the same finding and drew the same conclusions: Here are the relevant parts …